Switching from Live to Online Poker

In todays increasingly digital world, online poker has become highly popular and played by many all around the world. So if you are planning to make the switch from live to online poker and take advantage of some of those online poker bonuses sites like www.pokermira.com offer, keep on reading this article.

There are several important differences between live and online poker, the majority of which tend to be overlooked by players seeking to make the switch. Understanding these differences is, however, essential if you are to ensure success. So whether you wish to go online for financial or practical reasons, it is worth preparing yourself in order to make the most of your transition.

1. Reading your opponents

Probably the most critical difference to consider when making the switch from live to online poker is that reliance on reading other players’ tells will not suffice in the virtual world. It is betting skills, not reading skills, that are of utmost importance when playing online, so live players seeking to make the transition must ensure their tactical decision-making is up to scratch before switching.

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2. Speed and concentration

In a live game, poker players tend to have a few minutes to recompose themselves after coming up against a bad beat or making a bad play. Due to the speed at which hands are dealt in the digital world (up to 200 hands per hour), this is not the case when playing online. Newcomers to online poker must learn to adjust to this faster pace, particularly if you are prone to tilting during the course of live games.

3. Sociability vs. solitude

Another often-overlooked psychological element to online poker is the hours of solitude that playing entails. Online poker inevitably involves long periods alone, without distractions, in front of a computer screen. It lacks the social interaction and atmosphere that live casinos provide, and can often become a serious sticking point for players used to live games.

4. Poker tourism

There is no guaranteeing the calibre of player your will be facing when playing live poker, Casinos are usually comprised of a combination of standards, from the occasional gambler and complete novice to the seasoned expert. Online casinos, on the other hand, are usually frequented by many more online poker professionals; those who actually play online poker for a living and are thus a great deal more competent than your average casino player. Newcomers to the online game should certainly bear this in mind and perhaps expect to come up against stiffer competition than they are used to.

5. Multi-tabling

For newcomers to online poker, multi-tabling should be approached with caution. It demands a quick wit and a great deal of stamina to pull off successfully, but can be greatly profitable for those who do in fact succeed. If you chose to play single tables, you should remember that many of your opponents will not be. As a result, marginal hands and careful prioritising will be taking place, unlike in a live situation where players are often a lot looser and more impatient, risking more on marginal hands than in online situations.

Understanding the differences between live and online poker is essential if you are to make a successful transition, so ensure you are fully prepared before taking the leap into the digital world.

By Genny